Accidental Hope | S2 Episode 47: Journeying through God’s Word (w/ Tera Elness)

(Photo credit: Tera’s Online Christian Journey)

Ordinary girl, extraordinary God.  Deepening your faith and relationship with the Father does not need to be complicated. Tera is an example of small faithful steps that add up to walking in your calling. Her obedience in reading through your Bible cover to cover led to developing unshakable faith and sharing that journey with the world.  God has gifted her a beautiful community!

Show Notes:

In this week’s episode Jennifer interviews Tera Elness. They discuss maturing in faith and relationship with God’s Holy Word. It’s truly a journey – as you fall deeper in love with God you learn to trust Him. As you learn to trust Him your relationship becomes effortless investing in the your life’s journey with Him. Tera’s practical advice is for such a time as this as we learn to use this time of reset to grow deeper roots that will withstand anything that life may bring.

For more information visit Tera: