
Coming May 5th 2022

Romans 5:5, NIV: “And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”


Why did you share something so personal?

I felt there was an absence of faith perspectives from this kind of trauma. I wanted to write a pretty self-help book, but this came out. I needed a safe place to store the memories and events so I could let it go. In the process, I processed, I healed and I reflected. It is very scary to be vulnerable but it is also freeing and I hope it helps someone else. I am fully aware that sharing this is painful for many, but we can’t heal what we hide. I am asking for grace from my readers.

What if it hurts the victim’s family?

That is a great question and probably why so few come forward. I pray for them everyday. I am accountable to the Lord, and the moment he tells me to stop I would. I have given over their grief to the Lord, nothing of my power could help heal them. I try to be sensitive to focus this story on myself and my journey while being reverent and sensitive to those that loved and grieved this innocent man (David).

Why did you change your name for a memoir?

This is a complex answer so I hope I communicate well. Originally this was just journal entries and some poems, then added memories and answered prayers, events. I thought maybe this could be a memoir/novel. But I can’t have both. 1) My name is not important to the story, it is my story how I perceived it but I represent an unrepresented voice. The name I feel is most important is the Lords. 2) When I was young and in an identity crisis at age 17, I lied about my name (Jenna Anderson).  When I lied at the church, embarrassed of my name and fearful, I immediately used that same name, Jenna Anderson. I know this was a lesson from the Lord and I am exposing that lie, layer by layer. 3) If we used real names and places I knew an already messy situation could get messier because we are human. 🙂 Trying with prayer and care to avoid anything messy if possible, because I find those (trouble) without much effort.